SOLE SRL InactiveFurniture |
Financials of SOLE SRL
Submitted on 2020-12-31, SOLE SRL’s latest financial report shows a Turnover of €132,644.00. In addition, it shows a Working-Capital of -€720,364.00 with an Profit-after-Tax of -€326,622.00. SOLE SRL, in comparison to the previous year, reported a Turnover decrease of 76.96%, which is equal to 234729. Also in comparison to the previous year, the company’s Working-Capital went up by -947468 or 31.53%.
Turnover 2020
€ 132644
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ -720364
Profit after Tax
€ -326622
SOLE SRL Business Credit Report
A Credit Report SOLE SRL is available for instant download. When we generate this report, we took into account that the company is 25 year old, Turnover €132,644.00, Working-Capital -€720,364.00 and the Profit-after-Tax of -€326,622.00, we took into account if there are any outstanding mortgages or Court Judgements and checked if the industry which the company is trading, Manufacture of furniture, is considered a high level of corporate failures.
Employee & Key Executive List for SOLE SRL
View all employeesSOLE SRL has 2 total employees. In order to easily access the employees’ contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, you can subscribe to the Global Database platform. Our platform allows you to export the employee data into your existing CRM or into Excel. To subscribe to the platform, click here.
Total Employee Count
Total employees
Management Level
Employee | Job Title | Email address | Phone No | Country |
Marco Biffi | CXO |
- | IT |
Patrizia Carbognin | Director |
- | IT |
Get in touch with 2 of contacts working at SOLE SRL
Upgrade to subscriptionCompetitor List for SOLE SRL
View all competitorsSOLE SRL’s key competitors include SALCON S.R.L., STIL DECOR - S.R.L., B.M. STYLE GROUP S.R.L., STILEMA S.R.L., D S.R.L.. In order to view and export the information for SOLE SRL’s close competitors, upgrade your account here.
D S.R.L.
News & Activities at SOLE SRL
View full activityTurnover
The most recent account statements submitted by SOLE SRL reflect a turnover of €132,644.00, which is equivalent to a 76.96% increase year-over-year.
Frequently Asked Questions about SOLE SRL
Where is SOLE SRL’s registered office located?
The registered office of SOLE SRL is located at: VIA PRINCIPE AMEDEO, 18, Italy.
How do I speak with someone that works for SOLE SRL?
Call +390290****** to speak with someone from SOLE SRL.
What is the website address for SOLE SRL?
You can view SOLE SRL’s website by visiting: http://www.esagono.net
How many employees does SOLE SRL currently have?
SOLE SRL's most recent financial statements show that they employ 2 people.
How much revenue does SOLE SRL earn?
For 2020, the company’s revenue was €132,644.00, according to financial statements that were submitted on 2020-12-31. This revenue amount reflects an increase of 76.96%.
How can I find the business credit score of SOLE SRL?
You can find the business credit score by ordering a business credit report for SOLE SRL. The business credit report will also give you insight into the company’s ownership, credit limit information, court judgements, group structure and much more.
Can I find out if SOLE SRL pays their invoices on time?
Yes, on SOLE SRL’s business credit report you will see the company’s payment trends.
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