LAZZERINI SRL ActiveIndustrial Machinery & Equipment |
Financial statements of LAZZERINI SRL
According to LAZZERINI SRL latest financial report submitted on 2021-12-31, the company has a Turnover of €164,078.00, Working-Capital of €65,525.00 while the Profit-after-Tax is €502.00. Compared with the previous year, the company reported a Turnover decrease of -38.72%, which is an equivalent of 63536. At the same time, the Working-Capital went down by -0.09%, or by 61.
Turnover 2021
€ 164078
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ 65525
Profit after Tax
€ 502
LAZZERINI SRL Business Credit Report
A Business Credit Report for LAZZERINI SRL is available for instant download. The report will provide you with a credit score and credit limit recommendation for LAZZERINI SRL, payment trends, if the company pays their Invoices on time, whether or not the company has any court judgements, ownership and group structure, up to 5 years of financial statements and much more. When you buy a Credit Report from Global Database, you will also have a 7 days free trial to our B2B Sales Platform.
LAZZERINI SRL Directors and key executives
View all employeesLAZZERINI SRL currently employs 6 people. In order to view contact information, including emails and phone numbers for all the employees working at LAZZERINI SRL and to export them in XL or to your existing CRM, you can subscribe to our platform here.
Total Employee Count
Total employees
Management Level
Employee | Job Title | Phone | Country | |
Mattia Principi | plant manager |
- | IT |
Mash Mohammed | head of sales engineering- uk |
- | IT |
Giovanni Di Iorio | responsabile produzione |
- | IT |
Andrea Quattrini | operaio |
- | IT |
Alice Polverari | sales department |
- | IT |
Get in touch with 6 of contacts working at LAZZERINI SRL
Upgrade to subscriptionLAZZERINI SRL competitors:
View all competitorsTop 5 similar companies of LAZZERINI SRL are OFFICE TECHNOLOGY S.R.L., BRIANZA UFFICIO SRL, TDS SISTEMI S.R.L.. View and export all the competitor list of LAZZERINI SRL by upgrading your account here.
LAZZERINI SRL news & activities:
View full activityTurnover
LAZZERINI SRL has submitted new account statements and has reported a turnover of €164,078.00, a -38.72% increase year-over-year.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding LAZZERINI SRL
Where is LAZZERINI SRL registered office?
LAZZERINI SRL is located at VIA CAVOUR, 105, Italy.
How can I contact LAZZERINI SRL?
You can call LAZZERINI SRL at the following number +390542******
What is the website of LAZZERINI SRL?
LAZZERINI SRL website is lazzerini.it
How many people work at LAZZERINI SRL?
According to the latest account statement, there are currently 6 of employees working for LAZZERINI SRL.
How much revenue does LAZZERINI SRL make?
Based on the latest financial accounts submitted on 2021-12-31, the company made €164,078.00 for 2021, which went down by -38.72%.
What is the Business Credit Score of LAZZERINI SRL and how reliable is the company?
In order to check the business credit score of LAZZERINI SRL, you can request a credit report. You will view the latest credit limit information, ownership, group structure, court judgements and much more.
Does LAZZERINI SRL pay their invoices on time?
By requesting a Business Credit Report for LAZZERINI SRL, you will be able to gain more insights about the LAZZERINI SRL payment trends.
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