IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L ActiveRetail sale of bread (472410) |
Financials of IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L
Submitted on 2020-12-31, IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L’s latest financial report shows a Turnover of €667,236.00. In addition, it shows a Working-Capital of €297,949.00 with an Profit-after-Tax of €110,562.00. IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L, in comparison to the previous year, reported a Turnover increase of -50.19%, which is equal to 332383. Also in comparison to the previous year, the company’s Working-Capital went up by 415079 or 39.31%.
Turnover 2020
€ 667236
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ 297949
Profit after Tax
€ 110562
IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L Business Credit Report
A Credit Report IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L is available for instant download. When we generate this report, we took into account that the company is 12 year old, Turnover €667,236.00, Working-Capital €297,949.00 and the Profit-after-Tax of €110,562.00, we took into account if there are any outstanding mortgages or Court Judgements and checked if the industry which the company is trading, Retail sale of bread, is considered a high level of corporate failures.
Competitor List for IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L
View all competitorsIL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L’s key competitors include PLUS SRL, CORTI S.R.L., PANETTERIE RIUNITE S.R.L., PERINOVESCO S.R.L., SUSI FILIPPO S.R.L.. In order to view and export the information for IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L’s close competitors, upgrade your account here.
News & Activities at IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L
View full activityTurnover
The most recent account statements submitted by IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L reflect a turnover of €667,236.00, which is equivalent to a -50.19% decrease year-over-year.
Frequently Asked Questions about IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L
Where is IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L’s registered office located?
The registered office of IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L is located at: VIA CASILINA, 1890/I, Italy.
How do I speak with someone that works for IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L?
Call +390694***** to speak with someone from IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L.
How many employees does IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L currently have?
IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L's most recent financial statements show that they employ 12 people.
How much revenue does IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L earn?
For 2020, the company’s revenue was €667,236.00, according to financial statements that were submitted on 2020-12-31. This revenue amount reflects a decrease of -50.19%.
How can I find the business credit score of IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L?
You can find the business credit score by ordering a business credit report for IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L. The business credit report will also give you insight into the company’s ownership, credit limit information, court judgements, group structure and much more.
Can I find out if IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L pays their invoices on time?
Yes, on IL FORNO A LEGNA - S.R.L’s business credit report you will see the company’s payment trends.
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