FEK S.R.L.S. ActiveBeverage processing services |
Financial Report of FEK S.R.L.S.
FEK S.R.L.S. submitted their most recent company financial report on 2020-12-31. The report shows a Turnover of €8,668.00 as well as an Working-Capital of €2,291.00. FEK S.R.L.S.’s Profit-after-Tax is €2,816.00. The company’s Turnover compared to the previous year shows a(n) decrease Turnover of 0.0% 8668. In addition, FEK S.R.L.S.’s Working-Capital went down by 2291 or 0.0%.
Turnover 2020
€ 8668
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ 2291
Profit after Tax
€ 2816
FEK S.R.L.S. Business Credit Report
A Credit Report FEK S.R.L.S. is available for instant download. When we generate this report, we took into account that the company is 2 year old, Turnover €8,668.00, Working-Capital €2,291.00 and the Profit-after-Tax of €2,816.00, we took into account if there are any outstanding mortgages or Court Judgements and checked if the industry which the company is trading, Beverage serving activities, is considered a high level of corporate failures.
Competitor List for FEK S.R.L.S.
View all competitorsThe 5 main competitors of FEK S.R.L.S. are TORRESI S.R.L., ENOSIS - S.R.L., CARPE DIEM SRL, REFILL S.R.L., SEDIM SRL. To view and export the entire business competitors list for FEK S.R.L.S., click here to upgrade your account.
FEK S.R.L.S.’s News & Activities
View full activityTurnover
FEK S.R.L.S, according to their most recent reports, had a turnover of €8,668.00. Year-over-year, this is equivalent to a 0.0% increase.
Frequently Asked Questions about FEK S.R.L.S.
What is FEK S.R.L.S.’s registered office at?
FEK S.R.L.S.’s registered office can be found at: VIA ALESSANDRO POERIO, 142, Italy.
How many people are employed at FEK S.R.L.S.?
Their most recent financial statements show that 1 people are employed at FEK S.R.L.S..
How much revenue does FEK S.R.L.S. make?
Their most recent financial statements submitted on 2020-12-31 show that FEK S.R.L.S.’s revenue for 2020 was €8,668.00. The revenue amount shows an increase of 0.0% for FEK S.R.L.S..
What is the business credit score of FEK S.R.L.S.?
The business credit score of FEK S.R.L.S. is available by requesting a business credit report. In this report, you’ll also have access to information that pertains to the company’s credit limit information, ownership, court judgements, group structure and more.
How do I know if FEK S.R.L.S. pays their invoices in a timely manner?
The payment history and trends are available to view when you order a business credit report for FEK S.R.L.S..
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