B. E B. S.R.L. ActiveAutomotive Repair & Maintenance |
Company Financials of B. E B. S.R.L.
The most recent financial report for B. E B. S.R.L. was submitted on 2020-12-31 and shows that the company has Turnover of €2M while the Working-Capital is -€152,762.00. The company has a Profit-after-Tax of €66,352.00. When compared to the previous year, B. E B. S.R.L. has a Turnover increase of -26.97% that is equivalent to 1.3 million. Additionally, the Working-Capital went up by -524953 or 243.64%.
Turnover 2020
€ 1.8 million
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ -152762
Profit after Tax
€ 66352
B. E B. S.R.L. Business Credit Report
A Credit Report B. E B. S.R.L. is available for instant download. When we generate this report, we took into account that the company is 18 year old, Turnover €2M, Working-Capital -€152,762.00 and the Profit-after-Tax of €66,352.00, we took into account if there are any outstanding mortgages or Court Judgements and checked if the industry which the company is trading, Non-specialised wholesale trade, is considered a high level of corporate failures.
B. E B. S.R.L.
Competitors of B. E B. S.R.L.
View all competitorsVITHA GROUP S.P.A., FORINA S.P.A., PROFILSIDER S.R.L., FEM2 - AMBIENTE S.R.L., C.T.M. CENTRO TRASMISSIONI MECCANICHE - S.R.L., are the top 5 competitors of B. E B. S.R.L.. Upgrade your account to view and export the entire competitor list for B. E B. S.R.L..
News & Activities at B. E B. S.R.L.
View full activityTurnover
New account statements were submitted by B. E B. S.R.L, and they reported a turnover of €2M, which is a -26.97% decreased year-over-year.
Frequently Asked Questions {FAQ} about B. E B. S.R.L.
Where is B. E B. S.R.L.’s registered office located?
B. E B. S.R.L. is located at VIA MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI, 9/9 BIS, Italy.
How can I get in touch with B. E B. S.R.L.?
You can reach B. E B. S.R.L. at this phone number: +390817******
How many people does B. E B. S.R.L. employ?
Currently, B. E B. S.R.L. employs 2, according to the latest account statement.
How much revenue does B. E B. S.R.L. earn?
On 2020-12-31, B. E B. S.R.L.’s latest financial accounts were submitted and show a revenue of €2M for 2020. This amount is a decrease of -26.97%.
How reliable is B. E B. S.R.L. and what is their business credit score?
You can request a business credit report to view the business credit score of B. E B. S.R.L.. This report will show you the most recent credit limit information, group structure, ownership, court judgements and much more.
How well does B. E B. S.R.L. pay their invoices? Do they pay on time?
When you access a business credit report for B. E B. S.R.L, you’ll be able to view the payment trends of B. E B. S.R.L..
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