V. VEGA SRL ActiveWholesale of other products of primary processing of wood and wooden construction elements (467330) |
Financial Statements of V. VEGA SRL
V. VEGA SRL submitted their latest company financial report on 2007-12-31 and shows a Turnover of €163,482.00. The company’s Profit-after-Tax is €149.00, and the company’s is . In comparison to the previous year, the company reported an decrease in Turnover of 0.0%. This is equivalent to 163482. The Profit-after-Tax also went down by 149 or 0.0%.
Turnover 2007
€ 163482
Consolidated A/cs
Reporting period
Working Capital
€ 0
Profit after Tax
€ 149
V. VEGA SRL Business Credit Report
A Credit Report V. VEGA SRL is available for instant download. When we generate this report, we took into account that the company is 15 year old, Turnover €163,482.00, Profit-after-Tax €149.00, we took into account if there are any outstanding mortgages or Court Judgements and checked if the industry which the company is trading, Wholesale of other products of primary processing of wood and wooden construction elements, is considered a high level of corporate failures.
V. VEGA SRL Competitors List
View all competitorsThe key competitors of V. VEGA SRL are VETRO EXPO S.R.L., CISED - S.R.L., SIMET - S.R.L., EDILCONTE - S.R.L., GAITI GIANNI S.R.L.. To view, as well as export, the full competitor list for V. VEGA SRL, simply upgrade your account here.
V. VEGA SRL News & Activities
View full activityTurnover
New account statements were submitted by V. VEGA SRL. They reflect a turnover of €163,482.00, which is a 0.0% increase year-over-year.
{FAQ} Frequently Asked Questions for V. VEGA SRL
Where is V. VEGA SRL’s registered office located?
V. VEGA SRL’s registered office is located at: VIA GABELLI, 26, Italy.
Can I get in touch with V. VEGA SRL?
The phone number for V. VEGA SRL is: +390498******.
How many employees does V. VEGA SRL have?
The company currently has 2 employees employed at V. VEGA SRL.
How much is the annual revenue of V. VEGA SRL?
Their latest financial accounts were submitted on 2007-12-31 and show that the company made €163,482.00 for 2007. This is an {increase/decrease} of 0.0%.
What is the business credit score of V. VEGA SRL? Is V. VEGA SRL a reliable company?
In order to view V. VEGA SRL’s business credit score, you will need to order a business credit report. This business credit report will show the company’s latest ownership, credit limit information, group structure, court judgements, and much more.
How will I know if V. VEGA SRL pays their invoices on time?
You can view the payment trends of V. VEGA SRL when you order a business credit report for V. VEGA SRL.
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